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教师招聘面试说课稿:初中英语《Can you play the guitar?》

http://hebei.hteacher.net 2024-07-11 16:09 河北教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

Step 2 Pre-writing

Activity 1. Reading

In this part, I will first let Ss quickly go over the incomplete want ad in 3a and answer the following questions such as “What is it about? What does it want? Do you want to join them? What can you do? What else do you want to know?

The purpose is to help Ss get first impression of the ad. Many of them may fail to get the answers so they will be motivated to read the text eagerly.

Activity 2. blank-filling

Ask Ss to read the want ad and finish the missing blanks with the words from the left column.

The purpose of filling blanks is to get Ss become more familiar with and grasp the use of the target language of this unit.

Step 3 While-writing

1. Ss work in groups to brainstorm about the abilities required for the specified occasion, contact information and special designs, ect for a more attractive want ad. For instance, they may choose sport meeting. They need Ss who love doing sports, Ss who can run fast, Ss who can do high jump or long jump, or Ss who can make oral reporter or Ss who can host, ect.

2. Ss write down their brainstorming ideas, think about and draw up an outline and structure, for instance what abilities to be included, which should be put first or next.

3. Ss individually work on their first draft and teacher will remind them that they need to pay attention to the spelling and grammatical elements.

The purpose of asking them to write down flashing ideas and make outline is to lead them to keep good writing habit and develop efficient writing technique.

Step 4 Post-writing

1. In this part, first I will share the evaluation criterion for good writing. They can cooperate with their partner to check whether the description of required abilities are suitable for the certain activity and whether there is any key missing factor for a want poster. Besides, they also need to find whether there is a title for the poster, a question mark after the “Can you…”, any spelling and grammatical mistake, ect.

2. Later, some Ss will be encouraged to come to the front and present their writing to the class. In the meanwhile other Ss and I will help to sum up the highlights of the well-made poster.

3. Ten most beautifully-made posters will be chosen and stuck on the spare blackboard for the class to enjoy and appreciate.

The Purpose of letting them check and cross out any technological mistakes or mistakes concerning its content or outline on their own is to give full play to their initiative, help them develop good writing techniques and improve their writing ability.

Step 5 Summary

In this part, first I will share the evaluation criterion for good writing. They can cooperate with their partner to check whether the description of required abilities are suitable for the certain activity and whether there is any key missing factor for a want poster. Besides, they also need to find whether there is a title for the poster, a question mark after the “Can you…”, any spelling and grammatical mistake, ect. The purpose why Ss summarize by themselves is to check whether they have grasped the key points involved in making want ads. And encouraging Ss to develop more abilities and enjoy spare time can help fulfill the emotional aims.

Step 6 Homework

Ss come up with another activity that is going to be held at school or in their neighborhood and make a poster for it.

The purpose is to enable Ss to put what they’ve learnt in class into real-life use. Meanwhile, their writing ability can be further improved through the practice of writing.








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